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Watch this video and more on Mars Vocal

Up Next in Rock, Hardcore, and Metal Vocal Instruction

  • 18. Vocal Fry Through Nose and Mouth

    Opening your nose and mouth while you speak, sing and vocal fry is a huge step on the path to becoming a great singer. This video shows you how to do it with vocal fry, and opens the door to combing different kinds of fry to generate screams and growl sounds that will curdle your blood, all witho...

  • 19. Low Vocal Fry Sliders

    Practice your low vocal fry by doing guided slider exercises with your instructor, Chris Mars.

  • 20. Midrange Fry Sliders

    Learning to let your voice crack in a sustained way, across your range, is a major skill in singing with distortion and grit. It takes courage to let yourself sound "bad", but the more you do it, the better you'll get at it, and soon, you'll find yourself able to sing songs in this tone, and you'...