Rock, Hardcore, and Metal Vocal Instruction
This course is the foundation. These videos take you step by step through the basics of screaming and growling effectively and effortlessly, in a way that will allow total freedom.
Master these techniques, and you'll be able to sing and scream as much as you want, without struggling and worrying about losing your voice.
1. Introduction
This video begins your journey into The Mars Method, the most intuitive and innovative style of singing and screaming ever developed.
Chris Mars explains that his emphasis is on safety and effectiveness, rather than following traditional methods of vocal instruction, and that this is an entir...
2. What Do I Need to Get Started?
The only things you need are a water bottle, a hand mirror, and some kind of stereo or speaker to listen to music through as you sing.
3. The MARS Vocal Method
The MARS Method is a vocal system that utilizes four areas of focus in order to create any vocal sound you want, without straining or harming your voice. The four areas of focus are Mask, Air, Resonance and Shaping. Mastering these four skill sets will give you the freedom to sing anything you wa...
4. Safety Disclaimer
Although every possible precaution has been taken in developing this method, no method of extreme singing can ever be completely safe.
Pay attention to what your voice is telling you. If you're straining, feel pain, develop hoarseness, or anything doesn't feel loose and easy, stop what you're...
5. Health
Drinking plenty of water, hand washing, avoiding people who are sick, eating well, and exercising are all parts of being a singer.
Doing all you can to prevent sickness is the best thing you can do for your voice. Mucinex when you are congested can help, and using sinus rinse daily helps kee...
6. Practice to Make Your Worst Decent
It's counterintuitive, but practicing to make your best just a little bit better isn't the best use of your time. We're simply not able to be at our best all the time, no matter how hard we try, and being a great singer means delivering a consistent and reliable performance every time you sing.
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7. How Do I Practice
Practicing lots of scales and exercises, in my experience, is not a particularly effective way of practicing singing. Learning to apply techniques to songs, as you learn them, isolating the particular skill while singing along gently to the songs you already love, is far more beneficial.
8. Breathing
This video explains breath control and support, also known as appoggio. I don’t go into too much detail on why it works, or how, I simply show you how to do it, which is all you really need to know, along with how to fix your posture.
9. Posture
Standing and sitting correctly allows your skeleton to do almost all the work of breath support for you. Simply fixing your posture can do more for your singing than almost anything else you can do. It also gives a dominant, confident presence that moves audiences, and will positively impact your...
10. More On Breathing
Take a more in depth look at how our lungs, diaphragm and skeleton work together to allow us to control our airflow and power our voices.
11. Relaxing Jaw
We all carry excess tension in our jaw, and learning to release that extra stress will help you to relax your throat, neck, tongue, face, and shoulders, as well as relax your mind.
12. Breathing Out Through Nose and Mouth
Letting air out of your nose and mouth at the same time is kind of like learning to juggle while hopping on one foot; it’s one of the more difficult things to learn to do as a singer, but it is absolutely necessary to get this down if you’re going to be able to open up your voice, and be able to ...
13. Vocal Fry
Screaming and growling depends on being able to use vocal fry in a relaxed and comfortable way. This is the most basic form, and will get you started on the correct path towards absolute vocal freedom.
14. Voice Cracking
Voice cracking is the root of singing with distortion, and learning to relax your voice enough to open your range completely. With it you'll learn to map out your entire singing range, and ironically, by letting your voice get loose, you're learning to sound like you're screaming your brains out.
15. Three Kinds of Vocal Fry
The three kinds of vocal fry used in the MARS Method are low, midrange/cracking, and high/nasal fry. Learn them all and you're well on your way to learning to sing and scream anything you want.
16. Cracking/MidRange Vocal Fry
Cracking your voice is a great way to add grit and scream character to your voice. This video shows you how to do it safely and effectively.
17. Nasal High Vocal Fry
It sounds nasty and shrill alone, but when combined with other sounds, it turns INTENSE, and this is also the best way I've found to learn to open up your nose and mask, and free your voice to sing anything you want safely.
18. Vocal Fry Through Nose and Mouth
Opening your nose and mouth while you speak, sing and vocal fry is a huge step on the path to becoming a great singer. This video shows you how to do it with vocal fry, and opens the door to combing different kinds of fry to generate screams and growl sounds that will curdle your blood, all witho...
19. Low Vocal Fry Sliders
Practice your low vocal fry by doing guided slider exercises with your instructor, Chris Mars.
20. Midrange Fry Sliders
Learning to let your voice crack in a sustained way, across your range, is a major skill in singing with distortion and grit. It takes courage to let yourself sound "bad", but the more you do it, the better you'll get at it, and soon, you'll find yourself able to sing songs in this tone, and you'...
21. High Vocal Fry Sliders
It sounds like an angry alley cat, but in this video we're training to sound like an alley cat singing operatic slider exercises. Fancy!
22. The Resonant Line
The Resonant Line is the key to singing in any genre, and producing any kind of tone you want on any pitch. Learn it through cracking your voice and feeling for the most comfortable, relaxed spot by sliding through your entire range.
23. Tongue
Keeping your tongue relaxed and at rest on your bottom front teeth is another vital skill to learn. Watching and feeling for extraneous movement is one of the best ways to eliminate tension and strain from your voice.
24. Minimizing Mouth Movement
Watching yourself sing and practice, using your hand mirror, is a great way to learn how to sing without tension in your face, neck and shoulders. Letting go of all that muscle tension is the only way we can free our voices, and learn to sing with power and control in a wide range of notes and to...