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Watch this video and more on Mars Vocal

24. Minimizing Mouth Movement

Rock, Hardcore, and Metal Vocal Instruction • 3m 10s

Up Next in Rock, Hardcore, and Metal Vocal Instruction

  • 25. Holding Your Breath While Speaking

    This video demonstrates how to practice and build strong breath support skills by learning to hold your breath while speaking in a low vocal fry tone. This is also an excellent technique for doing voiceover or acting for the camera.

  • 26. Y's and W's Without Moving Your Jaw

    Learning to shape the letters 'Y' and 'W' using downward tongue movements instead of lip movements is a pivotal moment in your vocal training. These will be used as we move forward in creating a small narrow opening to sing through, with resonant shapes that we’ll use to blow your listener’s mind...

  • 27. Belting

    Belting, aka “shouting” is a sound that you use in rock, punk and metal constantly. There is a trick to it that makes it a hell of a lot easier, and will change your life as a singer. While this sound by itself is extremely useful, we’re soon going to combine this sound with various types of voca...