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Watch this video and more on Mars Vocal

Watch this video and more on Mars Vocal

7. How Do I Practice

Rock, Hardcore, and Metal Vocal Instruction • 6m 4s

Up Next in Rock, Hardcore, and Metal Vocal Instruction

  • 8. Breathing

    This video explains breath control and support, also known as appoggio. I don’t go into too much detail on why it works, or how, I simply show you how to do it, which is all you really need to know, along with how to fix your posture.

  • 9. Posture

    Standing and sitting correctly allows your skeleton to do almost all the work of breath support for you. Simply fixing your posture can do more for your singing than almost anything else you can do. It also gives a dominant, confident presence that moves audiences, and will positively impact your...

  • 10. More On Breathing

    Take a more in depth look at how our lungs, diaphragm and skeleton work together to allow us to control our airflow and power our voices.